Subscription form for Liverpool international Nordic Community Company 2024


LiNC Charity Company Ltd   (Registration in England 8351592   Charity registration 1152041)


Subscription form to renew or apply for membership

By becoming a paying member you have a right to vote in elections of Directors at a general meeting and vote for any resolutions put forward by the directors. A third of the directors are elected or re-elected each year. You will get copies of the financial accounts and the Chairman’s report.  We  ask you to pay £25 for each person in the household per year, this to reflect the costs of running and maintaining the building along with the costs of all activities.

Make cheques payable to ‘Liverpool international Nordic Community’

Send this form to 138 Park Lane,  Liverpool, L1 8HG

 I, …………………………………………………………………………………………….(capitals, please)

wish to make a donation of £………..for 12 months’ subscription.

OR:  I wish to make a bank standing order for £…………/ month/year. Please contact Harriet Busby.

I will tell you when I no longer wish to be a member. I agree that I will not be considered a member when the renewal date is overdue by 3 months.          Date……………………….                                              


Email address……………………………………………………………………….Phone……………………………

Please tick here………. if you agree that we communicate with you in the future by email.

We will save on a lot of postal costs and administrative work!

Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………….Date…………………….


I, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..(capitals, please)

wish to make a donation of £………..for 12 months’ subscription.

OR:  I wish to make a bank standing order for £…………/ month/year. Please contact Harriet Busby.

I will tell you when I no longer wish to be a member. I agree that I will not be considered a member when the renewal date is overdue by 3 months.              Date……………………….                                         



Email  address…………………………………………………………………..   Phone……………………………

Please tick here………. if you agree that we communicate with you in the future by email.

We will save on a lot of postal costs and administrative work!

Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………….Date…………………….

Charity Gift Aid Declaration – In order to Gift Aid your donation you must tick the circle below:

Ο     I want to Gift Aid my donation of £________and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years, to  Liverpool international Nordic Community Company. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my

responsibility to pay any difference.


Title ______ First name or initial(s) ___________________ Surname _________________________________

Full Home address ______________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ Postcode _________ Date_____________ Please notify the charity if you want to cancel this declaration; change your name or home address;  no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.