We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
Come and have a chat in Finnish, have a cup of Finnish coffee and enjoy freshly home baked buns! The Finnish School in Liverpool offers Finnish tuition and classes for all levels and age groups, from babies to adults. Come along if you are interested or contact us by email: liverpoolinsuomikoulu@googlemail.com.
Rupattelemaan suomeksi, juomaan suomalaista kahvia ja nauttimaan kotitekoisista, uunituoreista leivonnaisista! Liverpoolin Suomi-koulu tarjoaa suomen kielen opetusta kaikille ikä- ja tasoryhmille, vauvamuskarista edistyneisiin aikuisiin. Tavoitat meidät sähköpostitse osoitteesta liverpoolinsuomikoulu@googlemail.com.
Come and have a chat in Finnish, have a cup of Finnish coffee and enjoy freshly home baked buns! The Finnish School in Liverpool offers Finnish tuition and classes for all levels and age groups, from babies to adults. Come along if you are interested or contact us by email: liverpoolinsuomikoulu@googlemail.com.
Rupattelemaan suomeksi, juomaan suomalaista kahvia ja nauttimaan kotitekoisista, uunituoreista leivonnaisista! Liverpoolin Suomi-koulu tarjoaa suomen kielen opetusta kaikille ikä- ja tasoryhmille, vauvamuskarista edistyneisiin aikuisiin. Tavoitat meidät sähköpostitse osoitteesta liverpoolinsuomikoulu@googlemail.com.
Come and have a chat in Finnish, have a cup of Finnish coffee and enjoy freshly home baked buns! The Finnish School in Liverpool offers Finnish tuition and classes for all levels and age groups, from babies to adults. Come along if you are interested or contact us by email: liverpoolinsuomikoulu@googlemail.com.
Rupattelemaan suomeksi, juomaan suomalaista kahvia ja nauttimaan kotitekoisista, uunituoreista leivonnaisista! Liverpoolin Suomi-koulu tarjoaa suomen kielen opetusta kaikille ikä- ja tasoryhmille, vauvamuskarista edistyneisiin aikuisiin. Tavoitat meidät sähköpostitse osoitteesta liverpoolinsuomikoulu@googlemail.com.
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
There is no service this week
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00
We welcome our friends to enjoy Nordic open sandwiches with prawn, salmon, sill, ham or cheese on most Wednesdays, followed by tea, coffee and home-made cakes and sometimes freshly made waffles, served with cream and jam.
Cost of sandwich, piece of cake and coffee/tea is £5.00, any addition is £2.00